Here's The Latest On The Herbalist's Path 

Get the skinny on using plants as medicine, safely & effectively, for you & your family. 

Herbs To Keep Cool On Hot Summer Days
Today, we're diving into one of my favorite topics – staying cool in the summer with the help of herbal remedies. As I record this, it's mid-July 2024, and boy, it’s hot out there! So, let’s stay cool, shall we?





Living in the mountains, I'm lucky...

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Growing Herbal Medicine Gardens: Top Herbs I Love To Plant
There’s nothing more empowering than growing your own medicine, and knowing the herbs and plants you can use to heal yourself and your own family. So let’s explore some essential plants that are growing in my garden this year, and you may want to consider adding them too your garden...
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The Herbal Journey Of Clinical Herbalist & Author Maria Noël Groves


In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Maria, a fellow clinical herbalist who has a deep connection with nature and the healing power of plants. We had a good time crushing on Lemon Balm in this episode, and how her mom initially bought it because it's Melissa...
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How Stress Can Lower Your Immune System

It’s no big secret that chronic stress weakens the immune system. And, as we head into cold and flu season, coming to the end of a year that’s been immensely stressful for the entire world, and also heading into the most stressful, errr uhhh, “wonderful time of...

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How Adaptogenic Herbs Can Get You through Stressful Times

It’s no secret that life has been mighty tough for the majority of humans these days. From a pandemic, to outrageous acts of systemic racism, and political upheaval, and the inability to see those you love, or even get a simple hug. Times have been downright hard!

Whether these...

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