Hey Momma! Have You Ever...
- Dreamed of having a better way to take care of your family, that didn't rely on our not-so-awesome medical system
- Tried to get your kids to take your natural remedies but they refused ‘cause they were “icky” & your kids are picky
- Thought about how cool it would be to sell your herbal goodies at the local market
- Dabbled in making your own remedies before, but weren't sure if you were actually doing it right
- Made your own herbal tinctures by pouring some vodka over some fresh plants, but couldn't tell if it worked for you
- Gave it a go at making herbal salves, but they always came out too soft, or too hard, or just plain weird
- Smelled that funky smell when you know you did something wrong with that remedy
Figuring Out
How To Make Herbal Remedies That Actually Work
Can Be So Overwhelming & Costly Too
There’s a ton of information out on the internet about making your own herbal remedies. Some of them are awesome, annnnd sadly, most are not. Which can result in a lot of wasted time, money down the drain, and tons of frustration.

If You’ve Ever Wondered...
- Whether you should make that with fresh plants or dried plants?
- How much alcohol do you put in there?
- How long does it take before it’s ready?
- How to make an herbal salve?
- Can you infuse herbal oils with fresh plants?
- What do those ratio numbers mean on a tincture bottle? Is that herb soluble in that solvent?
And the hundreds of other questions that can come up when it comes to making your herbal medicines. No fear...
I’ve got you covered!
Before I Get Into It, I Need To Show You Something!
But Only If You’re Ready To Make Medicine So Tasty
Your Picky Kids Beg You For More!
Think I’m Kidding? Look At This...

You Caught That, Right?
She had a picky kid who fell in LOVE with the blend she made, and said it was even better then Starbucks!
Woah, What?
Herbal Medicine CAN Taste Great?
Don’t worry, I’m going to teach you how to do the exact same stuff.
So, How Would It Feel To Know...
- You could make your own remedies and your kids would literally ask you for more, and that they actually worked!
- The next time the drug store shelves are bare that you can chill, knowing you’ve already got all the remedies you need. And, you even know what’s in them!
- You were able to help that friend or family member who’s been sick or dealing with major health issues. And they texted you, mind blown, & to thank you that what you made them actually worked!
OMG! Yes! Please!

Who Am I To Share This With You?
Hi, I'm Mel!
I’m a clinical herbalist, environmental educator, and a momma on a mission to inspire a movement where there’s an herbalist in every home… AGAIN!
Really, my biggest secret mission is to save the planet, and this is the only way I know how to do it!
After spending over 12 years running my own herbal product line that sold in big time health food stores, naturopathic doctors offices, and even REI, and running my own herbal apothecary where I formulated hundreds of products to help people live healthier lives, I have mastered the art & science behind high quality medicine makin’.
I’m talkin’ about natural remedies that not only work great, but taste great, so that you want them to be part of your everyday life.
I may have some secret jedi skills due to my years as a bartender, but you’re in luck because now I’m wrapping all those skills into one framework to help you become a Medicine Makin’ Mixology Master, so you don’t have to spend your hours scrolling Dr. Google, or the latest natural momma group thread for all the answers.

I Was Once In Your Shoes…
Not Fully Sure Of How I Could Really Make This Natural Lifestyle Thing Happen.
That’s when I decided to dive deep into the world of herbal studies. I collected all the books, did all the courses, and went to all of the conferences.
And even still, I remember a specific time when my daughter was 2. She got sick, and I scrolled Dr. Google, and all the natural momma groups. I got so overwhelmed with everything trying to do the research, and just wanting to make sure my baby was ok.
So, I finally called my naturopath. And, she said, "Mel, you know what to do here, you don’t need me!”
And it was in that moment that I was like, Wait, Woah, she’s sooooo right! I’m a friggin’ clinical herbalist, I own my own herbal apothecary! And somehow I don’t know what to do for my kiddo, who’s got a cold? What in the actual heck?!?
It kinda made me chuckle, and that’s when I knew I had to help other moms from the overwhelm and struggle of the natural remedy world. I knew I had to take the complex science of it all, and make it easy to understand, and help them make remedies that taste so darn good their whole crew will beg for more!
And now I want to help you do the same! You don’t have to go out and build a huge business of it (but you could)
Let Me Introduce You To...
Medicine Makin' Momma

All Of The Step By Step Processes To Leave You Feeling Confident About The Remedies You Make For Your Family & Your Community
Are You Ready To Make Remedies That Actually Work,
& Taste So Darn Good Your Family Can’t Resist?
So you can stop relying on our broken western medical system and all their toxic nasty drugs when it comes to your family’s health care.

The 3 Essential Elements To Turn You Into An Amazing Medicine Maker

Medicine Makin' Mixology Formula
This is where you’ll learn the most essential secrets to making remedies that ACTUALLY WORK! This is where the science comes in, to dance with the hippie dippie woo-woo, but don’t worry, I’ll break it on down and make it easy for you!

How-to Library
In the How To For You element, you’re going to get the step by step processes to make all the herbal remedies, from tinctures to teas, and lotions to your favorite herbal potions. Yes, I cover scientific methods, and I also cover folk remedies too!

Community Support
This is where other mommas come together and share what they've learned. Where you can troubleshoot anything that may have not gone your way, or ask the biggest questions that are plaguing you in your medicine making.
Here's The Scoop On The
Medicine Makin' Mixology Formula

Foundations of Herbal Actions
What in the heck do these herbs actually do for your well-being? In this lesson you'll dive into the world of herbal actions, learning how different plants interact with your body to promote healing. From soothing inflammation to boosting immunity, you'll understand the incredible powers herbs have and how to use them to improve your family's health.

Herbal Energetics
Knowing when to use an herb is a huge part of the battle when it comes to making them super effective. That's where energetics come to play! When you understand the energetic properties of herbs and how they work with your unique constitution, you'll be able to pick the perfect herbs to restore balance and vitality. With this knowledge, you'll be empowered to create personalized herbal remedies that align perfectly with your body's needs.

Solubility Of Herbal Constituents
Thoughts of chemical compounds and their interactions with different solvents got your head spinnin'? Not anymore! In this lesson you'll discover the unique solubility properties of herbs. You'll know which medicinal constituents are extracted in alcohol, water, oil, honey, and more. This is the key to actually making that medicine of yours WORK! Without it, you may be feeling like herbs are just a bunch of hippie dippy woo-woo bullstein. We don't want that!

The Art Of Herbal Formulation
This is where the real fun begins! Where you'll create medicine that not only helps you feel better but also tastes super yummy. You'll gain super powered jedi skills as you master the art of dancing different herbs, flavors, and textures to make remedies that are both powerful and delicious. Your friends and family will be begging for more because your special potions will make them feel great and happify their taste buds!

Here's The How To For You!
Yes, Yes, I Know, You Just Want To Know How To Do It.
And, I have a hunch that if you’re still reading this, you probably want to do it so it actually works…
That’s why you get all the stuff inside the Medicine Makin’ Mixology Formula first.
And Then You Get The 'How To' Stuff!

In the How To For You, you’re going to get the step by step processes to make all the herbal remedies. Yes, I cover scientific methods, and I also cover folk remedies too!
Making Herbal Tinctures
Infusing Herbal Oils
Herbal Glycerites
Acetum Extracts
Herbal Syrups
Salves & Balms
Medicinal Honeys
Blending Herbal Teas
Herbal Lotions & Creams
Poultices & Herbal Packs
And that’s just the start- I also have some special formula for skin care, aromatherapy, and even pet remedies too!
Wanna See What’s On The Inside When You Join?
Ready To Feel Confident With
Your Natural Remedies
So you don’t have to head to the drug stores with their empty store shelves!
It’s cool, it’s just a bunch of brightly colored syrupy stuff and toxic nasty junk anyway.
I can’t wait for you to see everything waiting for you inside
Medicine Makin’ Mommas
⬇︎ Herbal Roots Harvest Party Sale $100 OFF ⬇︎
3 Pay Plan
$177 $144
- Medicine Makin’ Mixology Formula ($497 value)
- How To’s For You’s ($497 value)
- Live Call Recordings ($327 value)
- Tincture Making Calculator ($97 value)
- Herb Ratio Chart ($47 value)
- Step By Step Printable Processes ($47 value)
- Discounts To Herb Suppliers (Priceless)
Pay In Full
$497 $397
- Medicine Makin’ Mixology Formula ($497 value)
- 'How To’s' For You’s ($497 value)
- Live Call Recordings ($327 value)
- Tincture Making Calculator ($97 value)
- Herb Ratio Chart ($47 value)
- Step By Step Printable Processes ($47 value)
- Discounts To Herb Suppliers (Priceless)
Did Someone Say Bonuses?
Not only do you get alllll that cool stuff inside already of
Medicine Makin Momma
I’m also throwing in these Booty-Kickin’ Bonuses!
Bonus #1
Cheat Sheets, Label Templates, & Printable Guides Oh My!
Hey, I get it, you’re mom, and mom life is busy! I want to make this easy for you, so you don't have to spin your wheels in research like I did for so many years! So, I’m giving you the best cheat sheets, templates, and guides a medicine makin’ momma can ask for! ($47 Value)

Bonus #2
Herb To Menstruum Ratio Chart
This handy guide will take all the guesswork our of the more scientific measurements for making your tinctures and glycerites. Plus, I also share dosage recommendations, and contraindications for pregnant mommas and your littles ($97 Value)

Bonus #3
Tincture Making Calculator!
Man, if I would have had this 20 years ago, I could have saved months worth of time with my brain spinning trying to figure out the right amounts of herb to how much menstruum I have. Let’s just say this little bonus will save your brain & keep you sane. ($97 Value)

Bonus #4
Discounts Galore!
Did I make that rhyme on purpose? Hmmm, maybe...
But in all seriousness, it’s true, investing in all of this stuff can seem like a lot right up front. Pssst, it will save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in the first year vs. all the crap at the drugstore. But, nonetheless, I’ve partnered with some of my favorite companies to get you discounts on the BEST herbal medicine makin’ supplies around! (Never Ending Value!)

My Guarantee
Buy It, Try It, Apply It! You’re Backed By Our Medicine Mommas
Money Back Guarantee
Listen, I know you’re going to love what’s inside, and the way it transforms how you make your remedies and care for your family! That’s why I’m beyond happy to offer up a 14 day money back guarantee! If you try what’s inside, and you aren’t diggin’ it, let us know and we’ll give you your money back.
By Now You’re Probably Recognizing This isn’t Just Some Hippie Dippy Herb Program...
It's NOT Where I Tell You Just Go Dump Some Vodka Over A Plant, And Viola, You’re Good To Go!
You’re Going To Learn The Science Of Making Herbal Remedies That WORK!
And, The FUN Of Making Herbal Remedies That Are Yummy As All Get Out!
Medicine Makin' Momma will turn you into an herbal medicine making master! &
I’ve got the happy students to prove it!

I’m Talkin’ Irresistibly Delicious Even!
Don’t Just Take It From Me, Check Out These Mommas & What They’ve Got To Say
Are You Still With Me?
I've brewed up something special just for you...
Medicine Makin’ Mommas Is The Herbal Infusion Your Life Has Been Craving If You're…
A Mom Who’s…
- Sick of relying on our western medical system
- Over fighting with your kids to take your natural remedies
- Ready to stop blowing all your money on healthcare
- Not sure where to start when it comes to making natural remedies…
You’re The Herbal Medicine Dabbler & You…
- Tried to make your own remedies & made all kinds of mistakes
- Want to KNOW how to do it, so you don't dump herbs and oils down the drain
- Are ready to take it to the next level
- Want to feel confident in your remedies
You’re Ready To Sell Your Products But You...
- A bit intimidated by it all
- Want to know you’re doing it right
- Know it’s important to make sure you’re not going to hurt anybody
- Want to feel good about the medicines you’re making
Got Questions?
Here’s All the FAQ’s For You
I don’t have enough time to do the lessons, do I have to be there live?
My kids are grown, can I still join?
How do I know you're legit and what you're teaching is real?
How long to do get access to the program for?
What if I don’t use all of this information?
Can I follow along in my car as I drive to work/school/practice, or whatever?
Do I have to do everything on the computer?
Will you send me all of the herbs we’re going to learn about?
I'm too busy to make my own remedies, can someone just make them for me?
What kind of support is available?
How is the content delivered?
What's the level of the content?
Is there a community aspect?
Can I apply what I learn immediately?
Is there a refund policy or a trial period?
Ready To Feel Confident With
Your Natural Remedies
So you don’t have to head to the drug stores with their empty store shelves?
It’s cool, it’s just a bunch of brightly colored syrupy stuff and toxic nasty junk anyway.
I can’t wait for you to see everything waiting for you
inside Medicine Makin’ Mommas
⬇︎ Herbal Roots Harvest Party Sale $100 OFF ⬇︎
3 Pay Plan
$177 $144
- Medicine Makin’ Mixology Formula ($497 value)
- How To’s For You’s ($497 value)
- Live Call Recordings ($327 value)
- Tincture Making Calculator ($97 value)
- Herb Ratio Chart ($47 value)
- Step By Step Printable Processes ($47 value)
- Discounts To Herb Suppliers (Priceless)
Pay In Full
$497 $397
- Medicine Makin’ Mixology Formula ($497 value)
- 'How To’s' For You’s ($497 value)
- Live Call Recordings ($327 value)
- Tincture Making Calculator ($97 value)
- Herb Ratio Chart ($47 value)
- Step By Step Printable Processes ($47 value)
- Discounts To Herb Suppliers (Priceless)
Are You Ready To Transform Your Family’s Health?
(even if your family doesn’t really believe in this herbalism stuff) and make great herbal medicine like these mommas?

Click The Button To Join Us Inside Medicine Makin' Momma

The information I’ve provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing.
*Always remember to contact your healthcare provider when considering the use of botanical medicine as a possible treatment option and the medical considerations. While the information in this program is absolutely relevant, herbs work differently for each person and each condition.
*I am a trained herbalist and not a licensed or registered healthcare practitioner. I cannot diagnose health conditions, nor prescribe medicines legally; I am not a medical doctor. However, I will recommend or suggest medicinal herbs for various health complaints, as I do believe in the safety and efficacy of botanical medicine and lifestyle changes.