Here's The Latest On The Herbalist's Path 

Get the skinny on using plants as medicine, safely & effectively, for you & your family. 

Practical Herbalism With Missy Rohs


What an incredible time I had bringing back the very first podcast guest I ever had on The Herbalist's Path, Missy Rohs from the Arctos School Of Herbal & Botanical Studies. Missy is so much fun, and an amazing teacher with a gift of bringing simple, practical...

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3 Ways Gut Health Impacts Children’s Health


Your kid's digestive health is key to their overall health, just like it is for you as a parent. We all know that poor gut health is the root cause of many of the diseases we face today. Maintaining a healthy digestive system is a great way to avoid childhood obesity, and...

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Nourishing Nettles: Medicinal Zing, Worth the Sting!

You guys, it's Springtime! I don't know about you, but this makes me so excited beyond belief that I can't even express the amounts of joy. I feel like I get to go out for my walks and not only is the beautiful sun shining down on me, but I'm seeing all of my favorite plant friends...

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Making Pain Relieving, Antimicrobial, First Aid Plant Medicine With Cottonwood Buds

Are you one of those people that absolutely hate Cottonwood trees in the springtime because you get all sniffly and watery eyes and stuffy? Well, I got some news for you. Cottonwood is actually amazing medicine. I am going teach you how you can find them and use them to ease inflammation for body...

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Using Warming Herbs To Get Through A Winter Snow Storm

It doesn't matter where you live this week, chances are you have been experiencing some snow, perhaps even a blizzard and (hopefully) tons of winter fun! With that, a lot of folks all across the nation have sadly been out of power, some for many days, which can be fun at first, but...

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Licorice Root: the Sweeter Side of Gut Health

Today we're gonna chat all about licorice. No, not Twizzlers. Nor Red Vines.

Licorice Root is our star today, and good for our bodies in so many ways. Glycyrrhiza glabra is the Latin name of this particular plant. The “Glycyrrhiza" part of the name actually means "sweet root" and...

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How Stress Can Lower Your Immune System

It’s no big secret that chronic stress weakens the immune system. And, as we head into cold and flu season, coming to the end of a year that’s been immensely stressful for the entire world, and also heading into the most stressful, errr uhhh, “wonderful time of...

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Culinary Herbs: The Medicinal Side of the Sweets in Your Holiday Treats

It's holiday cooking time! Which means, it's time to talk about the sweeter side of the holidays and dive into some of the medicinal herbs and spices used for pies, cookies and whatnot during this season of feasting!

A lot of these herbs are hot & spicy, and not necessarily sweet...

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Beyond Elderberry! Legend and Lore of the Elder Shrubbery

Elegant Elder, It’s everywhere you want to be! 

Elderberry syrup is all the rage these days, and with cold and flu season, plus a global pandemic, with cases back on the rise, it’s no wonder why! This stuff is a powerhouse when it comes to boosting your immune system,...

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How Adaptogenic Herbs Can Get You through Stressful Times

It’s no secret that life has been mighty tough for the majority of humans these days. From a pandemic, to outrageous acts of systemic racism, and political upheaval, and the inability to see those you love, or even get a simple hug. Times have been downright hard!

Whether these...

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3 Herbs for Inflammation of the Gut

We all hear about it. Gut health is so important. It’s essential to healthy immune function, emotional well-being, and our overall vitality.

Inflammation is in all things with gut issues whether you’re talking about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel...

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Herbs to Rev Your Digestive Fire!

Why warm digestion? Well, one, it’s winter, and it’s cold! If you’re someone who is always piling on scarves and sweaters and your fingers and toes are cold, you may want to consider these herbs that can help warm your digestion. 

To ensure healthy and optimal...

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