The Herbalist Path Podcast

Empowering Women’s Health with Dr. Tori Hudson ND: Herbal Remedies & Integrative Medicine

If you’re on the journey of exploring natural medicine, and women’s health, you’re going to love this chat I had with Dr. Tori Hudson. She's an absolute legend in the field of integrative women's health, having dedicated over 40 years to the cause. We dove deep into her philosophy, wisdom, and innovative approaches in women's health. So grab your favorite herbal tea, get comfy, and let’s dive right in!



Welcome Dr. Tori Hudson, ND to the Herbalist's Path!

Dr. Tori Hudson and I connected over our mutual love for nature and herbal medicine. From her cozy spot in outside of Portland, Oregon, she shared stories of her life's work and the fascinating path that led her to become a prominent figure in naturopathic medicine. Dr. Hudson, who’s been working in integrative women's health for over 40 years, has a wealth of knowledge that feels both expansive and deeply personal.

She graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in 1984 and has served the college in several capacities, including: Medical Director, Associate Academic Dean, and Academic Dean. She is currently a clinical adjunct professor at NUNM), Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr Hudson has been in practice for more than 40 years, is the medical director of her clinic, “A Woman’s Time” in Portland, Oregon, co-owner and director of product research and education for VITANICA and the program director for the Institute of Women’s Health and Integrative Medicine. She is also the founder and co-director of NERC (Naturopathic Education and Research Consortium), a non-profit organization for accredited naturopathic residencies.

Dr. Hudson has been appointed as a faculty member of the Fellowship in Integrative Health and Medicine, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine. 

This is just a piece of her list of incredible accomplishments in this field over the decades. I felt fortunate to know Tori on a more personal level in this interview, so let’s do a little overview of our chat here.


Tori’s Herbal Beginnings

Have you ever felt a magical pull towards something in life? Dr. Hudson’s journey began much like many of ours—with curiosity. She reminisced about her love for blackberry picking in her backyard as a child, which eventually led to living off the grid in Oregon’s Cascades. Roaming the hills, picking and drying herbs, and becoming the local herbalist was where her journey into the world of herbal medicine truly began.


Navigating Naturopathy

One major highlight of our chat was her naturopathic clinic, A Woman’s Time. Dr. Hudson passionately implements a balanced approach that integrates both Western medicine and natural therapies. This approach is key, especially since many of her patients are looking for ways to manage both acute and chronic conditions that are more prevalent today than ever before.

Dr. Hudson emphasized an essential point—getting a precise diagnosis is crucial. “Understanding the disease process helps target the treatment,” she explained. Whether it's menstrual cramps, fatigue, or more complex conditions like fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases, Dr. Hudson’s approach is to understand the 'why' before diving into treatment, ensuring that every solution is personalized and effective.


Herbal Heroes and Modern Woman’s Health

Our conversation naturally flowed into discussing some ‘herbal heroes.' I asked Dr. Hudson if she had to recommend just one herb to women everywhere, what would it be? To my surprise and delight, she said it would be turmeric. Yes, you read that right—this golden root is a powerhouse! 🧡

With its extensive list of benefits, from aiding osteoarthritis to supporting cardiovascular health, and even having potential anti-cancer properties, turmeric is a true star. If you’re interested in a high-quality turmeric supplement, Vitanica’s Turmeric Tonic is a great place to start. You can find it here.

Perimenopause and Menopause: Navigating New Phases

As someone entering my perimenopausal years, I found Dr. Hudson’s insights particularly valuable. She reminded us that this is a normal process—“Getting informed about what to expect can make all the difference.” From understanding how lifestyle choices and hormonal changes intersect to acknowledging that some symptoms can be challenging, her advice was both practical and comforting.

For those experiencing severe menopausal symptoms, she’s written an incredibly detailed and helpful book, “The Menopause Companion,” which is an absolute must-read. And, speaking of her books, “The Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” is for all of us, menarche to menopause, and loaded with incredible information throughout.


Learn More with Dr. Tori Hudson

I absolutely loved having the opportunity of chatting with Tori. She’s such a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and experience like no other. Of course, this little blog is just a tiny morsel of it all. I highly recommend visiting her blog Dr. Tori Hudson, where she shares bi-monthly posts brimming with scientifically-backed insights. Her decades of experience and dedication to women's health offer a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone interested in herbalism and natural health.

Thank you for tuning into The Herbalist's Path. It’s truly an honor to be a part of your path to making herbalism spread like wildflowers. Keep learning, keep sharing, have fun, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!

Feel free to catch the full conversation with Dr. Tori Hudson on our latest podcast episode. For more tips, tricks, and herbal wisdom, make sure to subscribe to check out our herb classes and programs here!

Happy herb-nerding! 🌿

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