Here's The Latest On The Herbalist's Path 

Get the skinny on using plants as medicine, safely & effectively, for you & your family. 

Using Bitter Herbs for Better Gut Health

Gut health is super important - today and every day. As we all know by now, your gut health is directly connected to the health of your brain, immune system, and overall health. The great news is that there are herbs that can help you keep your digestive system in tip top shape. Of...

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Four Steps To A Balanced, Healthy & Happy Gut

If you have been feeling funky and haven’t focused on your gut health yet, maybe our suggestions for lifestyle changes could help! Healing the gut can seem like a huge undertaking but like all things, there are many ways to approaching it. One of the methods Mountain Mel’s recognizes...

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New Year, New You, New Gut!

Did you know that the key to that new you, lies in the health of your gut? While we’re not huge fans of New Year's Resolutions, as they seem so temporary and often fail, we are HUGE fans of a lifestyle change. After all, that’s pretty much the only way a long lasting positive impact...

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Improve Respiratory Health With These 5 Herbs

"When we draw on a breath, we share that air with all other human beings and all other life on our planet. The respiration, our "oneness with trees becomes a manifest fact and our communion with the oceans has immediate impact. The reality of the planetary whole reveals itself with...

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Immune Stimulant Herbs, Antivirals, Antibacterials: What The Heck Are They & When Do I Need Them

As we are in the midst of cold and flu season, I figured we'd do a quick little overview of what antiviral and antimicrobial herbs are, what they can do for you and your body and how it's really nice to be able to use plants as medicine instead of relying consistently on harsh...

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Culinary Herbs: Savory Medicine Already in Your Pantry

Today I am thinking about culinary herbs and man, oh man, did I get hungry writing this blog post! I know we're all about to begin feasting as much as possible, and there is a lot of medicine going into the food and traditional dishes that are made around this time a year. So, I...

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Herbs to Boost Your Immune System, Some of My Favs!

It's Back-to-School season, which means it's Fall and it's going to start getting nice and cool and crisp and beautiful, and cold & flu season is about to be straight, crazy this year. Add that to a pandemic and we are in for a rowdy ride. So I wanted to share with you some of my...

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8 Herbs for Gut Health

Herbs can be an incredible ally when it comes to supporting your gut health. You may know that a healthy gut leads to an overall healthy body, mind, and soul. Of course, it’s very important to get to the root problem, before we can achieve true healing. You can learn more about in-depth gut...

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Why Is Your Gut Health So Important?

The health of your gut is the underlying foundation to the health of your entire body.  Did you know that the tiny bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that make up your body’s microbiome, outnumber your body’s cells 10-1!?  That means you’re made up of...

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Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup: Boost Your Immunity to Ward Off Cold & Flu

Elderberry Syrup is all the rage these days and with great reason! It’s an incredible immune booster, and with a pandemic happening, there’s no better time to keep your immune system in check. We’ve been keeping up on our elderberry syrup intake so we can stay...

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Make Your Own Herbal Cough Lozenges

Be prepared to combat cold season with this plant-powered recipe

There's a lot of people rolling around our neck of the woods suffering from dry hacking coughs.  I figured it would be great to share a recipe to make your own cough lozenges.  It's so empowering to be able to create your...

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Make Your Own Fire Cider

Now that the cooler weather is here, I wanted to share an amazing Fire Cider Recipe with you. Fire Cider is a traditional folk remedy to warm the body and stimulate the immune system. It can be used to ward off cold and flu, aid the digestive system, warm the body during cold months,...

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