Feeling Confident With Herbal Remedies For Your Kids

There is a photo of elderberry flowers, and a photo of Mel Mutterspaugh

Join me as I embark on a personal journey down the herbalist path, filled with excitement and purpose. I wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of plant medicine for both our well-being and the planet. Through conversations with guest herbalists and their captivating stories, I'm continually inspired by the diverse avenues people explore in their quest for natural remedies. Together, we seek alternatives to the conventional Western healthcare system—affordable, sustainable approaches that truly benefit our families and the environment.

My journey into herbalism began with a strong background in environmental and experiential education. I have always had a deep love for nature and an unyielding desire to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Initially, I worked as a guide for nature hikes and backpacking trips, as well as a wilderness therapist. During these experiences, I couldn't help but notice that people carried around toxic products in their first aid kits—products that were harmful to both their bodies and the environment. This realization ignited a fire within me to seek alternatives to the chemical-laden solutions like DEET.


Determined to find a better solution, I embarked on a journey of research. I invested in numerous books, took online classes, and scoured every available resource, despite the limited information at the time. As I continued to explore the wilderness, I encountered medicinal plants and witnessed their incredible healing properties. This discovery sparked a deep passion within me and prompted me to immerse myself further in the world of herbalism. I sought out teachers, attended herb walks, joined herbal programs, and eagerly attended conferences. Along the way, I began creating natural first aid products and sharing them with my community, which led to positive feedback and encouraged me to delve even deeper.


However, as I dived into the world of herbalism, I noticed the prevalence of misleading information on the internet. I often came across popularized terms like "herbal substitutes for pharmaceuticals," which perpetuated misinformation and posed potential dangers. It became clear to me that critical thinking and discernment were crucial in navigating the vast amount of content available.


Despite over two decades of experience, I consider myself a perpetual learner on this herbalist journey.


I continuously attend herb classes and seek new avenues for education, even when developing my own lessons. This commitment to learning not only deepens my knowledge but also allows me to share what I've learned from using and working with herbs for decades. Yet, I must admit that, at times, I've faced skepticism and self-doubt. The vastness of herbalism, coupled with its stark contrast to Western medicine, can be overwhelming. Western medicine often promotes reliance on instant-fix pills that merely mask symptoms instead of addressing the root cause and promoting true healing.


One particular moment stands out vividly in my memory. When my daughter fell ill at around two years old, I panicked despite having a solid understanding of herbs and a well-stocked apothecary. In my moment of uncertainty, I reached out to my naturopathic doctor for guidance. Surprisingly, she reassured me, reminding me that I possessed the knowledge and skills to handle the situation. This encounter was a pivotal moment that restored my confidence in herbal remedies and reinforced the power of trusting our own expertise. I now witness this same empowerment in the students of my Apothecary Momma program as they learn to heal their loved ones. Their skeptical family members begin to embrace herbal remedies and even ask for more, replacing their reliance on doctors and conventional medicine.


Creating Apothecary Momma has been an incredible honor for me.


It is a herbal mentorship program and community where I teach moms how to confidently choose the right herbal remedies for their children. While our focus is on kids, the remedies that work for them are equally effective for adults. However, we must exercise caution when considering using herbs meant for adults on children, as it can potentially be dangerous.


Over the years, I not only ran my own product line but also managed an herbal apothecary in my local community. Formulating various remedies to aid people in their healing journeys has been a gratifying experience. As an active member of natural mom groups, I've observed the pervasive spread of misinformation on the internet. Parents often seek help for their children's health issues and receive responses from well-meaning individuals that lack credibility or, worse, offer downright dangerous advice. This misinformation extends to platforms like Google and WebMD, which are unreliable sources for herbal research.


Motivated by a desire to create a safe space for moms seeking accurate information, I founded Apothecary Momma. My aim was to provide a place where moms no longer had to spend countless hours lost in the depths of the "Dr. Google" rabbit hole. Instead, they can turn to me with their questions or access the lessons available in the program. Leveraging my background in education, I strive to make learning enjoyable and fun. If you resonate with my podcast and writing style, then Apothecary Momma might just be the perfect fit for you.


Apothecary Momma goes beyond simply recommending herbs for specific problems. It challenges the conditioned thinking that a pill can fix everything. Instead, we focus on understanding the root cause of health issues and selecting herbs strategically to support the body's holistic healing process. This approach empowers moms to adopt a proactive stance toward their family's well-being. Whether it's addressing pregnancy discomforts, soothing colic in babies, alleviating acne in teenagers, or managing common childhood ailments like runny noses or digestive issues, the program covers a wide range of topics. And if a specific topic isn't covered yet, rest assured, it soon will be.


Shifting away from the broken system of conventional medicine can be uncomfortable, but it is a necessary step towards embracing natural remedies and reclaiming control over our health.


Inside Apothecary Momma, I guide moms through simple steps to develop their knowledge and confidence in using herbal remedies. It's about being proactive, seeking the root cause, and making informed decisions that support our bodies' innate healing abilities.


If you're ready to make that shift and explore natural alternatives, Apothecary Momma is here to empower you. The program covers various stages of motherhood, from pregnancy to when your children have grown up and left the nest. Whether it's addressing pregnancy discomforts, soothing colic, managing acne, or dealing with common childhood ailments, the resources are there to support you on your herbalist journey. And if a specific topic isn't covered yet, be assured that it soon will be.


Enrollment for Apothecary Momma is currently open. Whether you're considering incorporating more natural remedies into your home or seeking a supportive community of like-minded individuals, I encourage you to join us. We have moved away from Facebook and established a new, wonderful community space. I am thrilled to welcome you inside and provide guidance and support on your herbalist journey.


Regardless of whether you choose to join us or not, I want to express my gratitude for your presence within this community. Your support means the world to me. Please feel free to share this episode with friends who may benefit from it. If you have any questions about Apothecary Momma or want to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out. You can connect with me through DMs on Instagram or TikTok, or simply send me an email. I'm here to help you navigate the herbalist path and bring the power of herbalism into every home, just like our ancestors did. Together, let’s help herbalism #spreadlikewildflowers. I look forward to embarking on this journey with you. Have a beautiful week ahead, and until next time, take care.  

We Love the Mission and Sustainable Herbs available through Oshala Herb Farm, WishGarden Herbs & Mountain Rose Herbs and receive a small commission when you purchase through our affiliate links. Thank you for supporting our small business, and others on a mission to make this planet a better place to live!
 *Always remember to contact your healthcare provider when considering the use of botanical medicine as a possible treatment option and the medical considerations. While the information in this article is absolutely relevant, herbs work differently for each person and each condition.
 **I am a trained herbalist and not a licensed or registered healthcare practitioner. I cannot diagnose health conditions, nor prescribe medicines legally; I am not a medical doctor. However, I will recommend or suggest medicinal herbs for various health complaints, as I do believe in the safety and efficacy of botanical medicine.
 ***The information I’ve provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing.

Ready To Learn More?

Check These Out These Programs, I Promise They're Fun & You'll Learn A Ton!

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Apothecary Momma Herbal Mentorship

Live weekly classes & Q & A, plus a growing library of lessons to help moms handle everything from cradle cap to acne covered skin, and everything in between. It's all about empowering you, so that you can take your family's health back into your own hands.

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Medicine Makin' Mommas

Start making safe & effective herbal remedies that actually work, and taste great too, so that you don't have to worry the next time the store runs out of the other remedies. From tinctures to salves, to lotions, and potions galore, we'll cover it all!

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