Having Fun Making Herbal Remedies With Your Kids

Two girls in the kitchen with their mother making an herbal smoothie
Herbal medicine can be FUN! That’s why I am super excited you're here today because we’re talking about one of my favorite topics—having fun with herbal remedies, especially with your kids. I am a huge believer that learning is most effective when it’s fun, and teaching kids about herbal medicine is a fantastic way to bond, educate, and inspire a love for nature and wellness.





The Importance of Herbal Knowledge

I firmly believe every home should have an herbalist. This knowledge used to be passed down through generations, and it’s crucial we revive this tradition. Teaching moms how to use herbal remedies ensures this wisdom is shared with their children, helping herbalism spread like wildflowers.

Just imagine a world where kids understand that plants can heal us, fostering a deeper connection and care for our planet.

Sounds lovely, doesn’t it?


Why Herbalism is Beneficial for Kids

Engaging kids in making their own herbal remedies is similar to cooking—they feel pride and excitement and are more willing to try what they’ve made. It’s also a wonderful way to teach them about plants, encouraging a lifelong appreciation for nature. This hands-on experience fosters self-sufficiency and an understanding that medicine can come from our gardens, not just pharmacies.


Fun Herbal Activities with Kids


  1. Herbal Tea Blending Station
    • Set up a station with base, middle, and top note herbs.
    • Encourage kids to touch, taste, and smell the herbs.
    • Discuss their medicinal benefits and let kids create their own blends.
    • Have a tea party to celebrate their creations.
  2. Making Bath Bombs
    • Ingredients: 
      1. 1 cup baking soda
      2. 1 cup citric acid
      3. ½ cup cornstarch
      4. ⅓-½ cup calendula-infused coconut oil
      5. lavender petals
      6. calendula petals
      7. vitamin E
      8. Lavender essential oil.
    • Mix ingredients until a crumbly dough forms.
    • Shape into bath bombs and let them set overnight.
    • Kids will love the fizzy fun during bath time, and you can talk about the skin benefits of calendula and lavender.
  3. Herbal Popsicles
    • Brew a strong tea with lemon balm and chamomile (add chamomile later to avoid bitterness).
    • Blend the tea with strawberries and spinach (or other greens like dandelion).
    • Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.
    • A fun and healthy treat, perfect for hot days!
  4. Herbal Gummies
    • Use kid-friendly herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, and peppermint.
    • Brew a strong tea, mix with fruit juice, and gelatin.
    • Pour into molds and refrigerate.
    • Gummies are a fun, healthy snack that kids will love.
  5. Creative Arts with Herbs
    • Do crayon rubbings with leaves and flowers.
    • Paint pictures of herbs.
    • Write poems or stories inspired by plants.
    • These activities connect kids with nature and are a creative way to spend time together.


Safe Herbal Practices

Always ensure proper plant identification and choose age-appropriate tasks. For young children, focus on measuring, tasting, and smelling herbs. Kid-friendly herbs include chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint, fennel, and dandelion.


Inspiring Future Generations

Teaching kids about herbalism is about more than making remedies; it's about fostering a love for nature and self-sufficiency. It’s a fun, empowering, and impactful way to spend time together. Your kids will amaze you with their creativity and enthusiasm for herbal medicine.


If you're eager to dive deeper into herbal formulations and create your own blends, join us inside Medicine Making Mommas. Connect with us on Instagram, email me at [email protected], or follow us on Facebook and TikTok. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a review and share it with your friends. Let’s spread herbalism like wildflowers!

Stay cool, my herb loving friend, and I’ll catch you on the next episode!

We Love the Mission and Sustainable Herbs available through Oshala Herb Farm, WishGarden Herbs & Mountain Rose Herbs and receive a small commission when you purchase through our affiliate links. Thank you for supporting our small business, and others on a mission to make this planet a better place to live!
 *Always remember to contact your healthcare provider when considering the use of botanical medicine as a possible treatment option and the medical considerations. While the information in this article is absolutely relevant, herbs work differently for each person and each condition.
 **I am a trained herbalist and not a licensed or registered healthcare practitioner. I cannot diagnose health conditions, nor prescribe medicines legally; I am not a medical doctor. However, I will recommend or suggest medicinal herbs for various health complaints, as I do believe in the safety and efficacy of botanical medicine.
 ***The information I’ve provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing.

Ready To Learn More?

Check These Out These Programs, I Promise They're Fun & You'll Learn A Ton!

Kid Safe Herb Club

Each month we'll do a deep dive lesson on one herb and its many medicinal uses. Plus, you'll get lessons on the foundations of herbalismplant identification skills, and sustainability in herbalism. Plus, every month we'll do a live Herbal Show & Tell in the community! All for $7!

Join The Club

Apothecary Momma Herbal Mentorship

Live weekly classes & Q & A, plus a growing library of lessons to help moms handle everything from cradle cap to acne covered skin, and everything in between. It's all about empowering you, so that you can take your family's health back into your own hands.

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Medicine Makin' Mommas

Start making safe & effective herbal remedies that actually work, and taste great too, so that you don't have to worry the next time the store runs out of the other remedies. From tinctures to salves, to lotions, and potions galore, we'll cover it all!

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