The Herbalist Path Podcast

How To Make Elderberry Popsicles

Young Girl enjoying an Elderberry Syrup Popsicle with the text 'how to make Elderberry Popsicles'

Sure, Elderberry Syrup is super yummy, but what about Elderberry Syrup Popsicles?! This is a summertime favorite around our house and a really great way to pack in some nutrition and immune-boosting elderberries. You're going to love them!

My daughter loves these popsicles so much, she wants to run around and share them with all of the neighborhood kids and set up a popsicle stand outside.  This kid is on to something, maybe she’ll be a businesswoman like her mama?

No clue what Elderberries are, and why people would make popsicles of them? It's ok! You can learn more about Elderberry's immune-boosting properties over here.

Anyway, I’ve tried to make these various ways, and I think I finally came up with a super rockin’ recipe! Check it out, try it, and let me know what you think.

Immune Boosting Elderberry Syrup Popsicles

Immune Boosting Elderberry Popsicle Recipe

  • ½ Cup Elderberry Syrup (I made mine from our DIY Elderberry Syrup Kit Here)
  • 1 Cup Farm Fresh (or Frozen) Blueberries
  • 1 ½ Cup Fresh (or Frozen) Strawberries
  • ½ Cup Beets (because Veggies)
  • 1 Cup Greens, I used 3 Kale leaves, and 3 leaves of Beet Greens From our Garden
  • ½ Cup Coconut Milk (We use homemade coconut milk)
  • 1 Cup Fresh Pressed Apple Juice
  • 1 TBL Fresh Lime Juice

Pour it all into your blender, mix it up, taste it, and adjust to your liking. Need it sweeter, add more apple juice, etc. Then when it’s perfected, pour it into your favorite popsicle molds to freeze overnight. The next day you’ve got kiddos filled with joy, and boosting their immune systems. Pretty ideal during a pandemic!

Go ahead, try the recipe - if you love it let me know, and most definitely share it with your friends. There’s no better time than now to help take care of each other in the most delicious ways!

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